The artistic self-therapy

Table of Contents

  1. Contact Improvisation based workshops: General Information
    1. The point of Contact: CI exercises to develop embodied communication and understanding.
    2. Trusting me Trusting you: CI Exercises to develop trust, responsibility and confidence.
    3. What we can do together: CI Exercises to enhance cooperation, support and confidence.
    4. Tuned in: Moving as one and the joy of listening to others through CI.
    5. Let’s keep in touch: CI exercises to develop essential communication skills.
  2. Dance and Movement Therapy oriented workshops: General Information
    1. “Mirror, mirror on the wall”: Enhancing emotional awareness through DMT inspired activities.
    2. I hear you: Allowing the body to talk and listen through DMT inspired activities.
    3. “Who am I today?”: DMT inspired activities to enhance diversity and acceptance.
  3. Story-telling and theatre improvisation-based workshop: General Information
    1. What’s your story?: Presentational and Communicational Skills through story-telling and improvisation.
    2. “Once upon a time”: Creating stories through improvisation
    3. “What if?”: Narrating stories never been told before
    4. Go with your Gut: Theater and Improvisation activities to develop creativity, communication skills.
    5. Metamorphosis: How is life when in someone else’s shoes
    6. Theatre Improvisation activities working on social relations.
    7. What’s your status?: Theatre Improvisation activities reinforcing perspective-taking and communication.

General Guidelines for using Intellectual Output 2

This guide is composed by 15 thoroughly detailed workshop plans. Specifically, the workshops entailed in the guide are:

5 Contact Improvisation based workshops.

3 Dance and Movement Therapy oriented workshops.

7 Story-telling and Theater Improvisation based workshops.

In each workshop plan you will find the following sections:

  • Title, target group, number of participants and workshop duration
  • Aim and objectives of the workshop
  • Step by step instructions for the realization of the workshop
  • Desirable outcomes and competences stemming from the workshop
  • Useful material, resources and tips for the realization of the workshop and questions for evaluation

The “step by step instructions” describe how the workshop will flow and follow this basic structure:

  • Greeting and Introduction: Provides a smooth beginning for the workshop and a transition from participants’ routine to another setting.
  • Warm up part: Helps to create a feeling of groupness among the participants and to prepare their bodies and minds for the main part of the workshop.
  • Main part: Activities synthesized and/or constructed to serve the aims of the specific project.
  • Closure and calm down: The last phase of the workshop where participants will bring themselves to calmness again thus reflecting on and discussing what happened during the workshop.

Each workshop has a short code indicated at its beginning. The structure of the code is as follows: WS_CI/DT/ST_#_TITLE.

  • CI refers to Contact Improvisation based workshops
  • DT refers to Dance and Movement Therapy oriented workshops
  • ST refers to Story-telling and Theater Improvisation based workshops.
  • The number (#) refers to the number of the workshop within their series (CI, DT or ST) and TITLE is a short name of the title of the workshop.

Depending on the specific needs of each occasion, the facilitator may choose to adjust and/or modify the workshop and the instructions for better implementation. Facilitators can choose specific activities to implement depending on their level of expertise with movement but also depending on their participants needs. The sections: Photos and Videos and Resources contain additional material with various implementations of the activities.