C. Story-telling and theatre improvisation-based workshop: General Information

6. Theatre Improvisation activities working on social relations.

Age Range or Target Group| This workshop is appropriate for all age groups, it is recommended however that participants of the workshop are at similar developmental stages. Moreover, this workshop will be particularly interesting for children and youth. In regard to target group, as the projects depicts, both EU citizens/natives and immigrants/refuges/asylum seekers can participate in the workshop. The workshop is open to people from any socio-economic background.

Number of participants| 10-15 participants. If the workshop is happening with more than 15 participants, more time should be given for each activity and maybe the help of another facilitator will be needed.

Duration| 1h-1h30m

General Aim- Objectives| This workshop aims to help participants become more confident and take initiatives. Through theatre improvisation techniques, participants will interact with others creatively under a positive and fun environment. They will explore their emotional worlds and use them creatively to create small theatrical plays on spot.

Key Words & Phrases| theatre improvisation; social norms; creativity; inclusion; mindfulness

Instructions (Step by Step Process) |

A. Greeting and Introduction to the workshop (5-10 minutes)

B. Warm-up (10-15 minutes)

B1. Zip Zap Zop energizer: Participants stand in a circle. One person begins by clapping their hands at someone and saying “Zip.” The person that they indicated will then clap at someone else and say “Zap.” Then the third person will indicate a fourth person and say “Zop.” Repeat the pattern Zip Zap Zop, every time pointing at different people. The group can gradually speed up during the pattern. Every time that they clap and send the zip, zap, or zop to another player, they have to make eye contact. Whenever someone makes a mistake and says the wrong word in the series, that person is “out” and the group starts over. The game can be played with or without elimination. For further information see the Resources section.

B2. Alien-tiger-cow energiser: Everyone is in a circle. They are explained that in this game they can be one of three characters per turn: an alien, a cow or a tiger. The alien holds their index fingers up next to their head, as little antenna`s and say `Bleeb bleeb`, bending inwards into the circle; The cow bends forward, hold their right hand on their tummy and go `Moooo` and the tiger pushes their right hand forward, imitating a claw and roar. On 1, 2, 3 every player decides simultaneously what character they want to be and perform the respective movement and sound. The purpose is everyone playing to become the same character. Multiple repetitions are needed for participants to synchronize. For further information see the Resources section.

C. Main exercises (30-45 minutes)

C1. Gift giving, heightening activity: Participants are in pairs. Partner A brings a gift to Partner B. It could be whatever Partner A choses it to be. Partner A introduces the gift to Partner B. Partner B finds the gift boring and reacts to it with a strong emotion (i.e. anger, sadness, disappointment etc). Partner B has to justify their emotions verbally. An improvisational dialogue begins. Partners use words, gesture, language intonation etc. After finding an end to their dialogue, they can then switch roles and/or partners.

C2. “What you are saying makes me feel” activity: Participants go again in partners. Partner A says a sentence. Partner B then responds to Partner A “what you are saying makes me feel…” and they add a feeling. Then Partner B continues with another statement. Partner A responds as Partner B responded. An imaginary story is being created. Partners use words, gesture, language intonation etc. After finding a natural end to their story, they can then switch roles and/or partners.

3. Facilitator can then ask from pairs to perform in front of the others either exercise 2 or 3. Pairs should not repeat their previous dialogues but improvise one more time instead, now in front of an audience. The pairs can be also different pairs than before.

D. Closure – Calm down (20-30 minutes)

1. Group balance: The whole group comes together in a circle and give hands to each other. All of them exhale together while going to the floor. Maintain hand contact, exhale again while standing up. Repeat a couple of times, emphasising on breathing.

2. Debriefing- Suggested questions for initiating the debriefing section of the workshop: How did you feel during the workshop? Was there something challenging for you? What was the most enjoyable moment for you? Can you relate any of your feelings stemming from the workshop with your daily life? How did it felt to begin each sentence focusing on how you feel in the “What you say makes me feel” activity”? Do you think this can be helpful in your daily lives? Anything else you would like to share?

Desirable Outcomes and Competences| Through this workshop, participants will have an opportunity to reflect on and question social norms. Workshops based on improvisation as such, familiarise people with the idea that mistakes are inseparable part of life and that we can learn for them or that they can lead us to great things. Thus, this workshop encourages participants to face challenges in creative ways, believe in themselves and eventually increase their confidence. It also works on the spontaneous use of a language and it helps people realise possible fixed behaviours.  Because of its cooperative nature, the workshop also contributes in the creation of team spirit and communication skills. Participants are asked to pay attention to what another person is saying and to build on it, keeping a non-judgemental and open attitude. Such activities create a positive atmosphere of acceptance and create a build-up story that is based on the premise that people should be open to ideas and use them in order to create something. Due to the parts of the workshop where participants perform in front of their peers, participants are able to practise their presentational skills and to familiarise with the idea of exposing themselves in front of an audience

Materials: No special material needed for the workshop.


  • Warm Up Activities:

KEYSAmeriCorps (2008, December 4). Zip-Zap-Zop Energiser. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rS1n5xU0hE&list=PLOi0S9GShI_k-oCBlV0Fm1mA2t2co7Uwc&index=10

Preparing Youth to Thrive. Group Energiser: Zip Zap Zop. Retrieved from https://www.selpractices.org/resource/group-energizer-zip-zap-zop on 2018, July 25.

Mr. Shiphley’s Drama Class Warmups. (2015, February 12). Alien Tiger Cow. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BbAbzYmTm0

Improv Encyclopedia. Alien Tiger Cow. Retrieved from http://improvencyclopedia.org/games/Alien_Tiger_Cow.html

Expertvillage (2008, April 23). Improvisational Warm Ups: “alien, Tiger, Cow” Improv Game. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeUUHd4bQBQ

  • Main Part Activities:

Learnography (2017, August 30). Drama 10 Improvisation Activities. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKIC7f5uqdw

Expertvillage (2012, December 6). Ten Ways to Practice Improvisation Acting Skills: Theater Lessons. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDSP8wYlMzY

  • Group Balance Activity:

International HIV/AIDS Alliance (2002). 100 ways to energise groups: Games to use in workshops, meetings and the community.

Media and Techniques| The workshop was based on improvisation and performing arts workshops, online videos, articles and books about theatre improvisation and story-telling.

Tips for the educator| Facilitator, can be part of the workshop as a participant as well, dismissing implicit feelings of hierarchy or teacher-student approaches.

Before an exercise/activity, facilitator can explain and demonstrate the exercise with the help of one participant or another facilitator. This will make it easier for the participants to understand the nature of the activity.

Questions for Evaluation|

  • How did you find the exercises of the workshop?
  • Are there any suggestions/comments/questions you would like to make?
  • Are the activities well explained?
  • Do you think this workshop will be interesting for all age groups?

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