3. What we can do together: CI Exercises to enhance cooperation, support and confidence.
Age Range or Target Group | Could target youth/teenagers and adults of any age who do not experience severe physical constrains. Depending on needs and aims, the workshop can be implemented on a specific age group or with mixed ages. If physical or mental constrains exist, facilitators should be aware of them and know if and how to adjust the activities to the participants’ needs. In regard to target group, as the projects depicts, both EU citizens/natives and immigrants/refuges/asylum seekers should participate in the workshop. The workshop is open to people from any socio-economic background and it is desirable to have as much variety as possible within the group.
Number of participants| 10-20 participants. If the workshop is happening with more than 20 participants, more time should be given for each activity and maybe the help of another facilitator will be needed.
Duration| 1h30m – 2h.
General Aim- Objectives| Aim of this workshop is to work on the notions of self-confidence and cooperation. Through cooperative activities stemming from CI, participants will be able to execute together fun movements that will also enhance their confidence because of their level of difficulty. This workshop is an opportunity for people from different backgrounds to have contact with others not only by sharing the same space or by verbally communicating. This workshop achieves contact between people also through body communication.
Key Words & Phrases| confidence; cooperation; negotiation; coordination; movement; contact; improvisation.
Instructions (Step by Step Process)|
A. Greeting and Introduction to the workshop (5-10 minutes)
B. Warm up (10-15 minutes)
B1. Howdy-Howdy Energiser: Participants stand in a circle. One person walks around the outside of the circle and taps someone on the shoulder. That person walks the opposite way around the circle, until the two people meet. They greet each other three times by name, in their own language. The two people then race back, continuing in opposite directions around the circle, to take the empty place. Whoever loses walks around the outside of the circle again and the game continues.
B2. Push to travel exercise: Participants go in pairs. The partners place their hands left and right of the chest of their partners. By pushing each other, they start travelling across the room diagonally. In order to be able to travel, they are crossing their feet. Try it first at a walking-pace speed, and then speed up, run. They can repeat the running version of the exercise twice to warm up better. For further information refer to the Resources section.
C. Main part (45-60 minutes)
C1. Lifted Hug: a. Split the group in two subgroups. Group 1 organises themselves in a zic-zac, diagonal line across the room. Group 2 goes in one corner of the room, where the line “starts”. One by one, group 2 members go through the line. In each stop-person the member of the group 2, is hugging the Person who is sitting in the line from their core. They aim to have as much contact as possible. The person from Group 2, moves to the next person, until there is no other person standing in the line. Group 2 members keep going in order to keep a fast rhythm in the exercise. Switch groups and repeat.
b. The exercise is now repeated with one variation. Instead of simply hugging Group 1 members. Group 2 now, also lifts them. Then they continue to the next standing person until there is no other standing members. In order to help doing the lifts, both people, have to exhale at the same time during the lift. The standing person uses their hands on the shoulders of the lifter, and they push in order to help the lifter with the lift. Switch roles and repeat. For further information refer to the Resources section.
C2. Lift me up: Participants go in partners. Partner A is lying on the floor with their feet pointed at the ceiling. Partner B places their core/belly on Partner’s A feet and connect their arms. They gradually let their weight on Partner’s A arms and feet. They allow Partner A to lift them. When they feel comfortable enough, they can try to let go their hands and Partner A to support Partner B by holding their shoulder instead. This will allow Partner B to go to a diagonal line and lift more. Repeat a couple of times and then switch roles. For further information refer to the Resources section.
D3. Low table exercise: a. Participants find another partner for this exercise. Partner A goes to the floor, supporting themselves on their hands, knees and toes. They keep their core straight and tight. Partner B slowly puts some weight on Partner’s A back with their arms. When they both feel ready, partner B can put one leg on Partner’s A back as well. Finally, Partner B can stand completely on Partner A. Repeat and switch roles.
b. Partner A is in the same position as in the previous exercise and partner B copies their position right next to them. Partner B performs a roll, on top of partner’s A back, having a back to back contact. This will make them finish the movement on the other side of Partner A. Now Partner A performs the roll.
c. Now split the group in two subgroups. Group A forms a line, while positioned in the position that was depicted in the previous exercise. Some gaps between them should exist. Group B members start rolling on top of them. That is, one Group B member starts rolling on the first Group A member and then continues to the rest of Group A members. When they have done two rolls, the next Group B member can start rolling on the line. When all Group B members have started rolling, the first person in the line from Group A, can also start rolling. Keeping the same principle, gradually all members from Group A will have also rolled and they will be replaced by Group B members. For further information refer to the Resources section.
D. Closure/ Calm down (20-30 minutes)
D1. Participants come together in a circle and they place their hands on the shoulders of the people next to them. They start giving a message on shoulder and shoulder blades of the people on their right and left sides.
D2. The group takes a couple of synchronised breaths. They then bend to the floor and relax the head. Stay there a couple of seconds. Then they slowly unroll their backs and come to a standing position. They take a couple of final breaths together.
D3. Debriefing – Suggested questions for initiating the debriefing section of the workshop: How did you feel during the workshop? Was there anything that made you feel discomfort or extremely comfortable? What was your experience from the lifts? What was the most enjoyable moment for you? Can you relate any of your feelings and thoughts stemming from the workshop with your daily life? How did it felt to be lifting different people or to be lifted by them? Is it just the person who lifts responsible for the lift?
Desirable Outcomes and Competences| The activities of this workshop take advantage of what people can do when they cooperate. Thus, not only those activities help develop a team-work and cooperative spirit, but they can also empower participants and boost their confidence because the activities gradually lead to the execution of complex movements. Activities that are used in this workshop demand concentration, effort and coordination. When achieved, they will help participants feel proud of what they did. They also lead to better awareness of the body and stimulate body and mind.
Photos and Videos deriving from the workshop’s applied process|
Photos from lifted hug activity
The videos are uploaded as unlisted in Youtube website and their goal is only to provide educational material for this output. Please use the videos only for your own personal understanding of the workshops.
Materials| No special material is needed for this workshop.
Low table relevant:
OKI. (2016, September 28). Contact Improvisation- A couple of basic exercises. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8JiB2Nv5Qo
Lifts relevant exercises:
Xanthy Liberato, (2015, November 8). Lifting & Improvisation. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qnzKHrxKbA
Media and Techniques| The workshop was based on CI classes, the theory of Intergroup Contact, scientific articles about the political and social power of CI, books about breathing techniques and videos available online and offline.
Tips for the educator| This workshop is better if is being implemented as part of the series of CI workshops. Specifically, this could act as the third workshop of this series. However, it can be also implemented independently.
The workshop can be implemented twice in order both for the facilitators and the participants to observe progress on themselves. If participants need more time to familiarise themselves with certain exercises allow them time and do not worry about not managing to go through all the exercises of the workshop.
Questions for Evaluation|
1. How did you find the exercises of the workshop?
2. Is the level of difficulty for the exercises appropriate both for facilitator and participants?
3. Do you find the explanations given for the exercises well expressed?
4. Are there any suggestions you would like to make?
5. Any other comment/question?