Table of Contents
- Introduction; an alternative icebreaker
WORKSHOP 1: Kahoot Multicultural Group Quiz Ice Breaker - Investigating various ramifications of ‘Cultural Identity’
WORKSHOP 2: An intuitive mapping of ‘Cultural Identity’
WORKSHOP 3: The ‘Cultural Identity’ Model - Combatting Stereotypes
WORKSHOP 4: Visualizing Labelling
WORKSHOP 5: The danger of a single story
WORKSHOP 6: The Social Media Bull - Fostering empathy towards the ‘other’
WORKSHOP 7: VR- The Empathy Machine
WORKSHOP 8: Sorry, but I don’t understand the language
WORKSHOP 9: Coexistence of Religions - Constructing multicultural communities
WORKSHOP 10: Shaping the open territory
WORKSHOP 11: Ethics of Admissions
WORKSHOP 12: Communities of Closure
WORKSHOP 13: Strategical Design for Integrative Communities; the role of NGOs in creating new strategies for the integration of vulnerable populations
WORKSHOP 14: The MINETEST Workshop - Debriefing and Self-Assessment
WORKSHOP 15: The Intercultural Competences Web
General Guidelines for using Intellectual Output 1
- The ‘Shaping the open territory’ workshops (IO1) appeal to:
Youth trainers, social counselors, psychologists and educators who deal with multiple issues arisen within a multicultural context. The content of the on-line course also appeals to people in communities influenced by displaced population.
At this initial stage, it’s being noted that the workshops have been designed in such a way, in order to be applied in mixed groups of individuals, composed of both locals, migrants and refugees, or any other vulnerable population. The methods employed have been developed on the basis of the rationale that, in fact, the locals of a community are those who should first receive specialized education in order to be prepared to accept the integration of displaced population in their communities.
- The ‘Shaping the open territory’ workshops (IO1) are the following:
–1 Workshop (WORKSHOP 1) that could be used as an alternative of the ‘Icebreaker’. The workshop suggests the usage of methods based on artistic creation, such as doing arts and crafts, by simultaneously hacking existing technological applicability.
–2 Workshops (WORKSHOP 2 & 3) that have been categorized on the basis of the concept of cultural identity. Making a start with the formation of a purely experiential definition of the notion, as it emerges from communities’ shared symbols, shared stories and shared beliefs, to end up with participants’ involvement with a vector of interwoven to the cultural identity theories and concepts, such as collective memory, subculture, blended identity, counter-culture and counter-identity.
–3 Workshops aiming at combatting the formation of stereotypes and stereotypical behaviors, in general. The first workshop (WORKSHOP 4) of this category grapples with those unconscious tactics and mechanisms of one self which might lead in attaching labels to both individuals and communities, thus promoting stereotypes and discrimination for the ‘other’. The second workshop (WORKSHOP 5) approaches stereotypical behaviors appearing in literature, storytelling and popular images, by attempting the notion’s correlation with different forms and expressions of power, thereby investigating ways in which stereotypical behavior forms -or even challenges- individual identity and social perception. The third workshop (WORKSHOP 6) interrogates the dynamics of violence developing on social networking sites.
–4 Workshops emphasizing on fostering empathy towards the ‘other’ by primarily using VR technologies, such as the usage of a 360 degrees video (Google Cardboard) (WORKSHOP 7), as well as through specially-designed simulation exercises related with the concepts of Migration, War and Terrorism and human rights (WORKSHOP 8); in the former case the trainees would gain the opportunity to experience the frustration and other emotional factors that refugees have to face when applying for asylum. Finally, the WORKSHOP 9 provides an intercultural approach by simultaneously concentrating on the enhancement of participants’ negotiation and conflict management skills, primarily through simulation exercises, beginning from the point of view of different religions.
–5 Workshops through which the issue of developing inclusive communities is being investigated (WORKSHOP 10), mainly through the introduction of theory around the philosophical discourse on the Ethics of Admissions, as a means to provide tools for the understanding of integration policies approaches and positioning of one self on them (WORKSHOP 11&12). Subsequently, a platform for the conscious understanding of where participants stand regarding asylum/migration processes towards a constructive dialogue around refugeehood is being established.
The target of maintaining inclusive communities through the applicability of sophisticated methodologies, policies and critical paths, is also being approached by invoking concrete methodological constructions, such as geographical exploration and building of social relationships (WORKSHOP 13). Last but not least, by making use of a special 3D modelling software, participants approach the topic of constructing inclusive and participatory communities through the perspective of urban design and architecture, thus designing and building from the scratch creative structures -representative of their imaginary communities– such as buildings and cities (WORKSHOP 14).
–1 Workshop (WORKSHOP 15) that helps to rate the intercultural competences gained after the completion of the training course proposed within IO1.
- All the ‘Shaping the open territory’ workshops follow an identical structure:
Title/ Age Range or Target Group/ Duration/ Key Words & Phrases/General Aim-Objective/Instructions (Step-by-Step Process)/ Material and Resources/ Media and Techniques/Desirable Outcomes and Competences/ Tips for the Educator (only if applicable)/Debriefing and Questions for Evaluation (only if applicable)