The intellectual output “Collaboration, Coordination, Innovation” (IO6) constitutes the continuation of intellectual output “The ‘Directory of NGOs, social enterprises and charities for migrants and refugees’ “(IO5). The first part, contains non-formal tools, including the psychological approach, which are related to the skills of self-empowerment, self-assessment, self-esteem, self-awareness. The partnership aims at creating an on-line space that collects educational tools related to the topics of integration and inclusion of these specific target groups. This online toolbox is made to assist educators, teachers and trainers who want to develop and implement their own teaching programs about intercultural and interreligious issues.
This activities are important tools for strengthening the psychological condition of migrants and refugees, as this condition is directly linked with self-assessment skills. At first, the educators will enrich this on-line space with the educational tools. Afterwards, a variety of partnership’s network members will be invited to continue the enrichment of the on-line toolkit. The trainers will have the option to rate each tool. Finally, through this on-line environment the partnership will promote the outcomes of this project. At the second part of IO6, included the most Frequently Answered Questions (FAQs), delivered by all the organizations.