Faro Digital

Civil society organization that seeks to incorporate the voice of young people for the construction of a digital citizenship, through a conscious, thoughtful and critical use of digital technologies.
Ezequiel Passeron
ezequiel@farodigital.org o
www.farodigital.org @farodigitalok

Fotomovimiento is a non-profit organization that disseminates social realities and denounces the precarious situations of refugees and migrants through photography.
Carrer Regomir 3, 08002 Barcelona
Twitter y Instagram: @fotomovimiento
Facebook: Fotomovimiento 15M
0034622524745 Mònica
Web: fotomovimiento.org
La Bretxa
“Association for the promotion, realization and training in cinema for development. We work with groups in a situation of vulnerability to develop their empowerment based on their own abilities, using critical analysis and audiovisual production as the main tool.
To date, we have worked with groups in different countries such as Nicaragua, Colombia, Burundi and Spain. We have also developed projects with migrant groups in Spain.
Our main thematic approaches are the migratory processes, the fight against hate speech, the empowerment of vulnerable communities, human rights and the universal right to communication.
We work with all the dimensions and formats of audiovisual production, especially focused on the documentary genre and participatory creation methodologies.
The Generalitat de Catalunya, the Fons Catala per a la Cooperació, the City Council of Barcelona, the City Council of Santa Coloma de Gramenet, and various entities such as CEPS projects, Justícia i Pau BCN, Superacció, among others, have supported our projects. “
“Responsable: Julián Andrés Espinosa
Tel: +34 631 855499″
“Carrer d’Enric Granados, 7-11 Local 2,
Santa Coloma de Gramenet.
tel: +34 631 855499″
La Perifèrica

The Periférica’ was born with the objective of uniting the work force of several people to generate decent jobs with a cooperative logic, of mutual support and at the same time provoke social transformation and improvement of the living conditions of society as a whole.
Formed in 90% by women from Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona, Spain), it has the main purpose of promoting coexistence, social cohesion and the development of society through socio-cultural, community, educational and training intervention.
The values that define the entity are:
- Participation and social transformation
- Mutual support and cooperative work
hola@laperiferica.cat contact: Antonio Alcántara

Cultural association founded in Barcelona in 2005 dedicated to the publication of books and cooperation projects around the African continent and the Islamic world.
Dídac Lagarriga – zooebap@oozebap.org

Shofund is the consultant specialized in non-profit organizations of the Third Sector, NGOs, Foundations and social entrepreneurs. We are in Barcelona and we also work online. We respond to your communication needs, social marketing strategies, planning, fundraising and all the training your work team needs to improve its productivity in the day-to-day life of your organization.
José Gutiérrez Salinas
telf +34 663822790

Associació ÀMBIT
‘Àmbit’ is an association that has a team of 21 professionals and a large group of volunteers. Together, associated persons, staff and volunteers, are committed every day, for more than 8,000, to build bridges and pave roads that facilitate the access to life of inmates and ex-prisoners, with mental health problems or not.
All our programs are based on the perspective of recovery and promotion of autonomy.
Our mission is to propose paths that lead people to take their place in the world and accompany them on the chosen path, whatever. During these years we have been building responses to the circumstances we were facing and from there our own resources have emerged: housing, shelter, prevention programs, user housing network, damage reduction program …
But we have also placed our resources inside the prison, the most important being the workshops we develop with people with mental illness, which is the beginning of our intervention with these people.
In recent years, we have opted for alliances, networking and promoting the coordination of different agents, including administrations. We consider them increasingly important.
In that sense we try to contribute everything that is possible to us and to support, to the extent of our possibilities.
We participate, as members, since its creation, in the CIS Bridge Unit of Picassent. This participation is a new way of intervening because it brings together, media contributions, social mediation work and networking.
We have a renewed commitment to professionalism and the people we accompany, since both terms, preceded by the word commitment, cannot be dissociated in the, for us, right position in psychosocial action.
Calle Alta del Mar, 80 bajo de Valencia – (+34) 96 367 95 80 – www.associacioambit.org/
www.facebook.com/asociacionambit/ www.twitter.com/AssociacioAmbit
Deborah Micheletti – rem.p5ambit@gmail.com

Cuinant Cultures
We are a group of women chefs from different origins and in love with Barcelona. Passionate for the wealth of gastronomy, we believe that cooking is a wonderful tool to showcase our cultures, to know others and to enjoy a unique experience that feeds our body and soul at the same time.
And we are convinced that the gastronomic diversity of Barcelona is a treasure that must be promoted and that is part of our cultural heritage. That is why we carry out actions that contribute to the dissemination of the intercultural gastronomic heritage of Barcelona and the formidable legacy that has emerged from the fireplaces fired by women of all time: cultural-gastronomic meetings, workshops on intercultural gastronomy, creation of intercultural menus, didactic activities with gastronomic interculturality as a main axis in schools and groups, specialized itineraries, creation of a corpus of culinary gastronomic memory …
We want to contribute to create a table where all the people interested in our intercultural culinary tradition can become a space for intercultural coexistence and a learning tool for the richness of diversity. Plutarch already said: we do not sit down at the table to eat, but to eat together.
Muntsa Holgado, cuinantcultures@gmail.com

Africa Adoolu
Adoolu in mandinka language means Cultures. We are a group of people linked to art, education through art and cultural management, which since 2017 works to promote and spread African cultures through the arts.
To achieve our goals we work with entities and artists from Africa and Europe, artistic expressions for the knowledge of African cultures through cinema, music, dance, photography, literature and visual arts.
Rocío Naranjo Cuadrado, rnaranjocuadrado@gmail.com

El Parlante
The organization elParlante was born in Barcelona, in 2009, with the aim of designing, implementing and evaluating education & communication strategies to promote active citizenship.
ElParlante is inspired by all the theoretical and methodological work born in Latin America, which links participation, communication and popular education with social transformation.
ALFREDO COHEN alfredo@elparlante.es +34 663 449 366
CEPS Projectes Socials

CEPS PROJECTES SOCIALS is a non-profit association founded in 1994 and has 230 professionals working mainly in the Catalan and Spanish territories, with projects developed in Latin America and Europe. It is registered as “Associació per a la creació d’estudis i projectes socials”.The mission of our organization is to facilitate access to the social and cultural capital of a community to people through their empowerment, the promotion of cohesion and social inclusion and the fight against social inequalities. In order to achieve this, CEPS PROJECTES SOCIALS defines its frame of intervention and management (training, education, community, international projects) in a model based in a clear balance between efficiency and innovation.
CEPS PROJECTES SOCIALS is responsible for the management and implementation of socio-educational activities for children, young people and adults, further training for professionals and innovative research and development in new projects and practices.
Bòria 17 pral. 08003, Barcelona, Spain
Tel: (+34) 933 194 750
Email: info@asceps.org
Website: www.asceps.org/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MakingProjectsCEPS/
Twitter: www.twitter.com/Making_Projects
Instagram: www.instagram.com/makingprojects/
CEMU-CiudadEscuela Muchachos

CiudadEscuela Muchachos (CEMU), which translates to Town-School for Boys and Girls, was founded on the 1st of December in 1970 by Alberto Muñiz Sánchez, known to the community as Tío Alberto, architect, multifaceted artist, and vocational educator. The ultimate goal was to integrate children who have had rough childhoods into society so that they too can serve as functioning members of their communities.
Since the beginning, we have focused our methodology on a socio-educational practice that we call Juego Ciudadano, in English “The Citizen Game.” In order to create a place where every child – regardless of their origin, ethnic background, or religion – who passes through feels welcomed, protected, and accepted, we have built a community of democracy: one in which all opinions are valued, where all contributions are deemed meaningful, and where every child has a real voice. We hold municipal elections (children ages 14 to 18 are eligible to run for office) to determine who will be the Mayor each year, along with their corresponding representatives. The children hold campaigns and every CEMUnero may vote, including minor residents, students, volunteers, and adults.
Avda. Doctor Fleming, 3, 28912 Leganés., Madrid, Spain
Tel: (+34) 91 694 62 77
Website: www.cemu.es/english/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CiudadEscuelaMuchachosCEMU/
Twitter: www.twitter.com/cemu
YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UClecjS2YQ4gSmBratoGyqBQ
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ciudadescuela_muchachos/
iVoox: www.ivoox.com/escuchar-ciudadescuela-muchachos-cemu_nq_113298_1.html

DRAMBLYS is a non-profit organisation located in Spain that works for the promotion of social innovation. In DRAMBLYS we combine sociological imagination & inquiry with social creativity and design to approach, explore, and innovate solutions to contribute to sustainable development. Our main programmes and areas of expertise include the following: programmes design and evaluation, data visualization and social innovation design, development and management.
In DRAMBLYS, we aspire to serve as an interactive platform and meeting point to exchange, design, inspire and promote social innovation projects and creative alternatives, both globally and locally. We aim to facilitate creative dialogues and co-create sustainable alternatives and so, to inspire new social entrepreneurs and community leaders & promote sustainable ways of living.
Calle el Cura, 2, Entreplanta D, 02001 Albacete, Spain
Tel: (+34) 634 78 02 75
Email: all.ears@dramblys.org
Website: www.dramblys.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/dramblys.org
Twitter: www.twitter.com/cemu
Instagram: www.instagram.com/dramblys.org/
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/dramblys/