
C.I.P. Citizens In Power


Citizens In Power (CIP) is an independent non-profit, non-governmental organization that addresses the needs and demands of people through their involvement in social and civic life, by simultaneously providing them innovative material and free trainings related with a variety of fields, such as education (including on-line education), entrepreneurship and business, culture, labour market and lifelong learning.

CIP mainly aims at the development of education, entrepreneurship and lifelong learning in Cyprus and abroad. To achieve these targets, CIP has an ongoing collaboration with the leading universities, schools, NGOs and research organizations in Cyprus for the development of projects, trainings and educational material. 

CIP retains a valuable network of professional trainers and educational experts experienced in both formal and non-formal education. This particular network is considered competent to contribute to the implementation of activities related to the initiatives of CIP and its partners.

CIP is primarily seeking to:

-expand contemporary methods of different levels of education, by developing both formal and non-formal methods of teaching;
-collaborate with the relevant stakeholders to produce and promote research activity and creativity for the modernization of teaching;
-increase the employability of young people through entrepreneurship education, practical experience and lifelong learning, by simultaneously aiming to reintegrate the marginalized or disadvantaged groups, such as migrants and refugees, into the society in numerous ways and;
-support and train members of its local and international networks in various ways such as the exchange of information and good practices, through the sharing of experiences and ideas.

CIP provides assistance and services in the field of education and economic and social development while it promotes and offers consulting and training services to organizations and individuals in the field of entrepreneurship and business, natural sciences, culture and social economy, by also emphasizing on the acquisition of informal qualifications and the provision of vocational education and training. All the above targets are being accomplished through forums, publications, conferences/seminars, networking, collaboration with other institutions and many other forms of activities.

CIP has already implemented a respectable number of national and EU projects, with a focus on entrepreneurship and business, vocational education, youth and adult education and school education. It has participated in a large number of ERASMUS+ activities, both as partner and leader. Hence, it carries the appropriate experience and know-how to successfully implement such projects. In terms of the projects that CIP has already materialized, a large number of studies and research as well as a variety of specially-designed workshops/conferences/meetings/innovative tools in a number of fields have been successfully completed by the skillful staff of CIP.

CIP’s projects are organized under the management umbrella of four main departments:
(A) Department of Entrepreneurship
(B) Department of Global Education
(C) Department of New Technologies and Innovation
(D) Department of Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs


Alexias 24, Lakatamia

2304, Nicosia- Cyprus



Facebook: @citizensinpower

Centre for Social Innovation (CSI) 


Centre for Social Innovation (CSI) is a Research and Development organization which focuses on fostering social innovation that can bring about a positive change to local, national, regional and global contexts. CSI belief, is that the four pillars of Social Interaction, Education, Development and Economic Rationalization coupled with fundamentally sound and sustainable solutions as well as disruption to streamlined solutions to systemic social problems can lead to creative solutions that impact significant change to the social fabric of every society. CSI is working closely to address social, economic and cultural challenges with governments, local administrative agencies, non for profit agencies, commercial entities, and educational institutions. We identify and address systemic challenges through evidence based research, state of the art investigation of global, national, regional and local solutions, developing solutions by taking into consideration the local ecosystem, cultural dynamics, meet the stakeholders needs and implementing those solutions as we keep constant vigilance to ensure continual feedback loop and adjustments. The feedback mechanisms and processes we employ allow us certainty in keeping in touch with our stakeholders and continually update our social solutions proposition.


Center for Social Innovation (CSI),

Rigenis 62, Nicosia,1010,Cyprus

P: +357 22610716 (Office) | +357 99350874 (Mobile)




CODECA is a newly established NGO aiming to foster and facilitate social cohesion, through the implementation of actions that will help reduce social inequalities and develop conditions for equal opportunities for socially excluded groups in the local society. The organisation focuses also on the provision of Social Care services at the level of a person, family, group and community, and to accompany support services, social and psychological support, and legal counselling for these target groups. Yet the role of CODECA is to plan, organize and evaluate programs of empowerment and social development at the local level, conduct studies and analyses of social policy providing accurate diagnosis, scientific and technical evidence of the real needs of the local and regional socio-economic system. As an NGO that has set social policy at the top of its priorities, we are focusing on the promotion of local development and cooperation through social actors and the local communities thus to foster the information and participation of the citizens of the Republic of Cyprus in the European integration, emphasising on intercultural and mutual understanding. We are focusing on the design of innovative approaches to address socio-economic and cultural problems through extensive theoretical and applied social research in the field of Social Welfare, thus to promote programmes of integration on a local, regional and national level leading to the improvement of the quality of life for each individual. Collective actions for the amelioration of the social life of our target groups, cannot be done without opening our horizons and collaboration with other partners involved in the civil society. We are working closely with NGO’s that we share common values, local authorities and welfare groups, associations and private companies to respond effectively to the basic needs of economic and social development of the population, especially the vulnerable social groups.



Leoforos Aipeias 29

2411 Egkomi

Lefkosia – Cyprus

“Hope For Children” CRC Policy Center (HFC)


“Hope For Children” CRC Policy Center (HFC) is an Independent, International and Humanitarian Institution with headquarters in Nicosia, Cyprus.

Active in the fields of research, advisory services, advocacy and policy as well as through the design and implementation of grassroot programmes. The vision of HFC is to contribute to the protection and promotion of the rights of the child and to support the active participation of children and youth in society.

Our institution aims to advocate and to protect children’s rights based on the standards and principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and European Union Law

HFC is operating 2 private children’s shelters for unaccompanied minors offering rehabilitation, integration and durable solution services. The shelters were established with the approval of Social Welfare Services, which continuously collaborates with our institution. The shelters are funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the Ministry of Interior in Cyprus. The services provided contribute to the rehabilitation and integration of the unaccompanied minors hosted by the Institution; provide psychosocial support and counselling; establish mechanisms of durable solution for family tracing, assessment and reunification; non-formal education seminars and other youth initiatives in order to tackle social exclusion and discrimination, and guarantee protection and safety of the UMs.

HFC has launched a Pilot Programme regarding Foster Care for Unaccompanied Minors, Asylum seekers/beneficiaries of international protection. The Programme, started in December 2016 co-funded by the Ministry of Interior’s European Funds Unit (Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund), aiming to recruit, train, and assess potential foster parents to undertake the care of unaccompanied minors in need of international protection.

In collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, HFC established and operates the first Children’s House in the country (based on the multidisciplinary interagency cooperation Barnahus model for cases of sexual abuse of children),

Campaigns/programmes: ONE in FIVE Campaign to stop sexual violence against children and young people; Beat Bullying Programme; Human rights non formal education training to teachers and young people; operation of the European Helpline for the Support of Children and Adolescents 116111; European Hotline for Missing Children 116000.


“Hope For Children” CRC Policy Center

75 Limassol Av

Office 201, 2nd Floor

2121 Nicosia


Migrant Info-Centre (coordinated by University of Nicosia in collaboration with CARDET and the Cyprus University of Technology)


The University of Nicosia in collaboration with the research organisation CARDET and the Cyprus University of Technology implements the Action entitled: Migrant Info-Centre (CY/2018/AMIF/S02.N02.1.3/2). The Action is co-funded by the European Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (90%) and the Republic of Cyprus (10%). MIC fill a huge ‘gap’ on the integration services available and make a positive impact on the lives of thousands of foreign people who live in Cyprus. MIC supports the access to services and resources that meet migrants’ needs and gives emphasis on building new skills towards harmonically adjustment to the Cypriot cultural and social environment. The Migrant Information Centre (MIC) has developed services based on our core values of listening, empathy, understanding and supporting individual vulnerable migrants. Our four offices employ highly trained personnel ready to respond in a variety of requests. Our mission is to work with individuals, families and community groups to identify their needs and provide information on a range of options available to them. We support them to access services and resources that meet their needs and build new skills to adjust harmonically to the Cypriot cultural and social environment. For achieving our mission we have created a strong and experienced properly trained and qualified personnel, that works based on a person-centred approach respond to migrants’ general and more specific needs. The Centers’ comprehensive approach covers many issues related to the settlement and integration of new and emerging communities.



Phone: 22 080 350,

Fax: 22 842 222



CARDET is one of the leading research and development center in the Mediterranean region with global expertise in inclusive education, teacher’s and educators capacity building, and elearning.

CARDET is independently affiliated with universities and institutions from around the world, such as the Yale University and the International Council of Educational Media.

CARDET has completed numerous projects relating to the development of, social justice and integration, inclusive education, adult learning, youth support, eLearning, educational technology, skills and gaps assessments in educational institutions, civic engagement, social integration, and quality assurance. CARDET brings together an international team of experts with decades of global expertise in research, foresight, educational technology, instructional design, eLearning, professional capacity building, design thinking, innovation, social and economy integration and human resource development.

CARDET team have successfully participated in more than 150 projects in more than 45 countries, several of which were supported by the European Commission, the United Nations Development Program, Microsoft, The Commonwealth of Learning, international agencies and governments. One of our core-strengths is our ability to carefully plan, implement, execute and evaluate projects in various contexts. The management team is supported by 10 members of the board and advisory board, who are all international veterans in education, business, research, and evaluation. CARDET currently employees 30 fulltime and part time staff. The majority of the team members hold graduate degrees (Masters and/or Ph.D) in areas of social sciences, business, education, instructional design, multimedia development, and evaluation.

We follow a systemic and systematic process in thoroughly planning and executing projects.

CARDET is ISO 9001 certified for quality in management, research, and education services.

We have developed and implemented lifelong learning projects and conducted large scale evaluations of education programs around the world. CARDET is one of the premier education and innovation organizations in Cyprus with extensive experience developing and implementing education programs.


29 Lykavitou Avenue (1st floor)

Engomi, 2401

Nicosia, CYPRUS

Tel: (+357) 22 002100

Fax: (+357) 22 002115




Twitter: @CARDETngo 

The Cyprus Refugee Council


The Cyprus Refugee Council (CyRC) strives to safeguard, support and advocate for the rights of vulnerable groups in Cyprus, promoting their effective integration into the host society. Focusing on refugees, asylum seekers, detainees, trafficking victims and survivors of torture, CyRC works closely with the local society in order to provide quality services at the individual, community and policy level


Address: Stasandrou 9, Office 401, 1060 Nicosia

Tel: +357 22205959

Fax: +357 22205960




YEU Cyprus- Youth for Exchange and Understanding Cyprus


YEU Cyprus stands for Youth for Exchange and Understanding Cyprus and it is a non-political, non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Cyprus. It was established in 1995 with the aim to foster closer co-operation and better understanding among the young people of the world through the exchange of information, experiences and ideas. YEU Cyprus is one of the biggest youth organizations in Cyprus numbering more than 1000 members. It is considered to be one of the most active organizations of the island realizing several activities both on international and local level.

YEU Cyprus advocates on the rights of young people with regards to having voice in the Cypriot society and beyond; Some of the related topics are human rights, rights of minorities, racism, xenophobia, extremism etc. The organization focuses also in empowering the voice of young people through Structured Dialogue aiming at policy making under the Erasmus+ and other programmes. The methodology of the activities is based on non-formal education and experiential learning. In addition, it organizes and participates as a partner in various international and local activities and events. On an international level, YEU Cyprus organizes and delivers training courses, youth exchanges and ESC projects on different topics, focusing always on youth development, awareness raising and capacity building. YEU Cyprus also gives its members the opportunity to participate in international activities abroad such as in partner’s training courses, youth exchanges, European Voluntary Service (EVS), European Solidarity Corps (ESC), Partnership Building Activities (PBAs), seminars, SALTO events and the YEU International Youth Convention.

On a local level, in attempt to bring youngsters together and make them aware of different topics, YEU Cyprus organizes Theater of the Oppressed, Human Libraries, workshops and seminars on different topics (for example human trafficking, non-formal education, volunteering), street festivals, laughter festival, geocaching, field trips and other activities.


27 Ezekia Papaioannou, 1075 Agioi Omologites, Nicosia, Cyprus

Tel:  +357 99573646



